TechFab India’s reinforced soil walls & slope solutions provide long-term durability and structural integrity using geogrids, making them a cost-effective and flexible alternative to conventional concrete walls. We offer a wide variety of facing options and have been used in transportation, Hydraulics and real estate applications worldwide.

Our geosynthetic reinforcement used with soil, enables it to perform better than in its unreinforced state. In addition, soils can accommodate larger loads at steeper angles. Geosynthetics are used to reinforce soil, to drain water (replacing conventional drainage) as well as to provide wall fascia.

Reinforced Soil Walls with Gabion Fascia
Reinforced Soil Walls with Gabion Fascia

Reinforced Soil Walls with Welded Wire Mesh Fascia
Reinforced Soil Walls with Welded Wire Mesh Fascia

Reinforced Soil Walls with Techcell Geocell Fascia
Reinforced Soil Walls with Techcell Geocell Fascia

Reinforced Soil Walls with Wrap Around Fascia
Reinforced Soil Walls with Wrap Around Fascia
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